

来源:天津新通外语培训班 发布时间:2023/8/23 11:33:13

     天津alevel课程的学校哪家好  .小编推荐新通,天津新通留学英语培训学校(想要了解更多详情请电话咨询),为学员量身定制个性化辅导方案,除了基础课程之外,我们还会定期开展英语沙龙以及丰富多彩的课外活动  ,欣赏经典英文电影等,从大家开设的留学咨询,到学生的留学规划,通过专业的咨询服务,结合学员目前的学习状况,为大家量身定制课程培训方案。


  Tubman grew up a slave in Maryland. Born Araminta Ross in 1822, most historians believe she was taken from her parents and put to work when she was barely 6 years old. A brutal beating at the age of 12 caused her to suffer from seizures the rest of her life. She was a devout Christian and experienced visions and vivid dreams, which she ascribed to premonitions from God.

  As a young woman, she married John Tubman. She escaped with the help of a whiteneighbor, who gave her the names of people who would hide her during her travels north.

  Harriet Tubman returned to Maryland for members of her family and other slaves, making the trip about 20 times to lead more people to freedom. They traveled at night along backroads and waterways, and historians say Tubman would pull a gun on anyone who threatened to back out.

  But Tubman will not be the only woman pictured on U.S. paper currency.

  The $10 bill will be redesigned and released in 2020. The first U.S. treasury secretary, Alexander Hamilton, will remain on the front, but the back will include members of the women's suffrage movement, treasury officials said.

  The back of the $5 note will have an image of singer Marian Anderson and former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt.

  Who was Harriet Tubman?

  Born: In Maryland in 1822; was named Araminta Harriet Ross.


  Marriage: In 1844, she married a free black man named John Tubman.


  Escape: Accounts suggest at the age of 27, Tubman met an agent with the Underground Railroad, who helped her escape to freedom in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1849.

  逃亡:资料显示,1849年, 27岁的塔布曼遇到一名帮助奴隶逃亡的“地下铁路”的“代理人”,这名代理人帮她逃到宾夕法尼亚州的费城,得到自由

  Abolition: Tubman became an abolitionist, returning to the South to lead dozens of slaves to freedom along the Underground Railroad.


  Nickname: Earned the nickname “Moses” for leading so many slaves to freedom in the North.


  Underground Railroad: A secret network of routes, private homes and other hiding places that helped fugitive slaves escape the South and flee to Northern states and Canada, where slavery was outlawed.


  American Civil War: Tubman later worked as a nurse, scout and spy for the Union army during the Civil War.


  Died: March 10, 1913, at age 91. She was buried with military honors at Fort Hill Cemetery in Auburn, New York.


  Slavery: The U.S. abolished slavery in 1865.

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