

来源:天津新通外语培训班 发布时间:2023/8/23 11:28:04

      天津alevel培训哪里好一点 .小编推荐新通,天津新通留学英语培训学校(想要了解更多详情请电话咨询),为学员量身定制个性化辅导方案,除了基础课程之外,我们还会定期开展英语沙龙以及丰富多彩的课外活动  ,欣赏经典英文电影等,从大家开设的留学咨询,到学生的留学规划,通过专业的咨询服务,结合学员目前的学习状况,为大家量身定制课程培训方案。


  Filial duty


  "She adored her father. He was her hero. And when he died so suddenly so young, she made apromise to the British and to the world in general that she would be the servant of the people." -Martin Palmer, an adviser to Prince Philip, in an interview with China Daily.

  “她崇拜自己的父亲。在她眼中,他就是英雄。当父亲正值壮年却突然辞世的时候,她向和全世界做出了一个承诺,那就是她将永远为人民服务。” ——马丁•帕米尔,菲利普亲王的顾问,在较近接受日报的采访时候谈到。

  Animal lover


  拥有自己的专属菜单, 享受众人的瞩目和媒体的聚光灯,甚至还在伦敦开幕式上闪亮登场……我说的是女王的柯基。

  The Queen has owned more than 30 corgis, with many of them direct descendants from her firstone, Susan. Now she has only two - Holly and Willow - and does not plan to get any more.

  女王一生中养过30多只柯基犬,其中很多是她的只柯基“苏珊”的后代。 不过因为不想在过世后留下幼犬,女王现在只养了两只,“霍利”和“威洛”,并且以后也不会再养新的狗狗了。

  She is also very passionate about horses. She rides, breeds, and races them, and once held aprivate audience with the Horse Whisperer.

  除了柯基犬, 女王还对马情有独钟,她不仅爱骑马,还爱赛马、培育种马。女王的御马师汉农说,女王对马匹培育很有研究,甚至可以记得她的一匹种马-6代的血脉。

  Chinese links


  The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh have both shown enormous interest in Chinese religion,especially Taoism, according to Martin Palmer, an adviser to Prince Philip, who has worked withthe Taoists of China for over 20 years.


  "I remember taking a group of Chinese for a meeting with the Queen and she was just veryintrigued with how these different traditions: Taoism, less so Buddhism, and Confucianism, howdid they work side by side? How is it that China has never had a religious war? "




  She likes to wear brightly-colored dresses and large hats, to stand out from the crowd.


  But royals can recycle. The Queen sometimes wears her outfit more than once in public. On a tripto Australia, she was spotted wearing the same dress she wore months earlier to wedding ofPrince William and Kate Middleton.


  No passport


  As a British passport is issued on the authority of Her Majesty, it is unnecessary for The Queen tohave one of her own. All other members of the Royal Family, including The Duke of Edinburgh andThe Prince of Wales, have passports.

  作为英国的首领, 女王陛下其实并没有这个的护照。 因为这些旅行文件和护照都是以她的名义发布的,所以也没必要自己给自己发一本了,出国旅行全靠刷脸,是不是很霸气侧漏?不过这项特权除了女王别的皇室成员都不能享受,各位王子公主们依旧还是要用护照的。

   No license


  Driving licenses are issued in the Queen's name, yet she is the only person in the United Kingdomwho doesn't legally need a license to drive or a to have number plate on her cars.

  和护照一样, 英国的驾驶执照和车牌也都是以女王的名义发放的。故而,在英国她是一个不需要驾照就可以驾驶的人,当然,她的车也不需要车牌号。

  Despite not being required to have a license, the Queen is comfortable behind the wheel, havinglearned to drive during World War II when she operated a first-aid truck for the Women's AuxiliaryTerritorial Service.

  尽管不需要驾照, 女王的驾驶技能可是一点都不逊色。 二战期间, 她加入了女子辅助服务团,成为了一名司机和机械师,不仅能开急救车,还能及时维修, 成为工科女汉子的较佳代言人。

  Queen Elizabeth II isn't afraid to show off her driving skills, either. In 1998, she surprised KingAbdullah of Saudi Arabia (then still a prince) by driving him around in her country seat of Balmoral.


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